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Interview With Darron J Connett

A few years back, we spoke with friend of the store, fashion icon (he wont mind us saying that!) and musician Darron J Connett. He recently released a new album called All That Malarkey so we thought what better time than now to have a chat.

All That Malarky

Hello mate, it’s been a while! Last time we had a chat, aside from the interview, was at the Regency gig. Now a year or so on, we are here again and you’ve got a new album! What’s the reception been like?

Hello mate! Nice to chat again! Thankfully, reception has been very good. As an independent artist, I really rely on physical copies selling as otherwise, it becomes an expensive hobby! The CD’s are selling well and all profit from those sales goes into making the vinyl record.

How long would you say it took you to write it?

I wrote a lot of it during the pandemic, had so much time to kill so I just wrote. Some of those tracks made up the album and others didn’t make the cut. Some tracks ended up being written during the recording sessions themselves. Candescent Smile being one of those. I didn’t want it to be rushed and wanted to make it as perfect as possible so in all, it took around 18 months. I love the whole process of recording, it’s lots of fun but you’ve really gotta put everything into it. Me and the producer, Mani Perazzoli had a great laugh making it and hopefully everyone enjoys it,

All That Malarkey released this year

I’ve really loved the album and find myself liking different tracks more at each listen. Into The Void is epic! Is there one particular track you are especially proud of?

All of them! I’d say though that L’inizio is special. It is a first for me as I composed all of the music for it. Then Candescent Smile was my first recorded duet as a solo artist so that means a lot too. In all honesty though, each track makes me proud and Mani did an incredible job with it. Maybe an album of duets should be next! I’m always up for collaoborations and I get drunken offers from people quite often! Unfortunately though when the drunken haze passes, they never seem to come to fruition!

Independent bands worth looking out for

Which independent bands or performers are you rating right now?

I love Regency, they are a bit like me I suppose. They refuse to be pigeon holed and are pretty much genre defining. I really admire that in musicians. There are so many good bands about now though and I couldn’t name them all but I need to give a shout out to Darlings, they are great, and Maze are smashing it right now! But listen, if you are out there, putting yourself onstage, and meaning it, your alright by me!

Regency are genre defining

Gig experiences and dreams

So I’ve seen you live and you put on a great show, a real frontman. I think that helps make a gig something special. Other times, i’m locked onto the bass player and admiring their work, other times its just the anthemic tracks and the crowd that shape it. What for you are the best gigs you’ve been to recently?

Cheers mate! I’d say The Hives and Arctic Monkeys at The Emirates was my best. It was Fathers Day and I was with my youngest son Frankie, that alone made it special. Great gig and a beautiful memory.

Any you wish you hadn’t been to?

At the time yeah! Like seeing Oasis when Liam was pissed. I remeber thinking he’s mugging us all off now and its disrespectful to all of us that have paid to come along. Now though, those gigs go down as era defining! So all is forgiven and I was there to see it all happen!

If you could get up on stage and have a gig with someone, who would you choose?

I’m always up for a collaboration but I would love to get Kate Bush out of retirement. Her voice is just phenomenal. I think I’ve got more chance getting George W Bush to perform with me though!

So, we’ve now got your dream performer but what venue is THE one. The dream venue you want to perform at?

It’s gotta be Shepherds Bush Empire. It’s where I’m from and I could see it from my bedroom window when I was growing up.

Hammersmith Odeon or Apollo or whatever it’s called now would be another one as I was an usher there showing people to their seats when I was 14. Imagine a skinny 14 year old kid showing a big hairy arse rocker to a seat to watch Megadeath! Wouldn’t happen today but I got to see some great shows doing that!

Songwriting process and influences

Going back to the album, can you give us an insight into your songwriting process?

I haven’t really got one! I never want to hold back on any creativity so I never sit down on purpose and write something unless its to music that needs a vocal melody and lyrics,

Most of the time, I’ll be feeding the dog or something and then an idea just pops into my head, and once I am are sure it’s not someone elses, just hum or sing it into my phone! There are probably about 500 stored on mine now and easily 99% will never get heard.

I hate that though because I wish I could do 5 albums and 12 singles a year, I get really prolific and can’t stop! There is nothing I like more though than seeing an early idea evolve into a fully recorded track.

Who do you take your influences from?

To be honest, and I’ve said this many times, absolutely anyone that makes a record, and I mean that as I absolutely love music. For All That Malarkey there was a hint of Kate Bush, Prince, and Georgio Moroder with the true spirit of rock ‘n’ roll running through it!

Do you think Spotify and other streaming platforms are ruining opportunities for new musicians or actually making them more accessible?

I think if it’s used as a tool to find new music then its great but it doesn’t really help the musicians in any way. Even the huge ones. So imagine what it does for a smaller, independent artist. If you aren’t on Spotify, you are not considered as anything, unless you are The Beatles!

Of course, download an album and listen to it on your phone or something but buy physical copies too! Otherwise artists like myself cannot fund the next project. Musicians need to get paid and it’s as simple as that. I know bands selling out huge venues but still working the 9-5 as otherwise they can’t afford to live. Someone is making the money, and it’s not us!

Future plans and fashion

So with All That Malarkey now out there, what are your next plans in music?

A bit more promo for it to be honest, Hopefully a vinyl release next year and I am hoping that we can get The Last of The Troubadours to regroup and record that elusive album! Myself and Joel Rogers have been throwing round a few song ideas so it looks promising!

We should probably talk clothes for a bit! You are known for having great taste! So what are you wearing this year?

Far Afield popover shirts have become a favourite, I’ve got a bit obsessed with them! Gabicci Vintage is always a favourite. Adidas Original sometimes too, and of course Fred Perry. I’ve got a couple of Real Hoxton smocks that I love and my Clarkes Originals collection is steadily growing. I dress for the occasion so sometimes you might even see me in a suit!

And before we go, have you got any CDs left and if so, how can we get one?

Just s small amount now, just drop me a message on social media, or email djcmusic@hotmail.com and I can get one sent out to you. I’ll even sign it!

Cheers Darron, nice to chat again and congratulations on an amazing album!

Cheers Russ, always a pleasure, see you soon!

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